The original concept of a Torske Klubb started in the 1933 in Minnesotta as a place for Norwegians to gather and converse in their native language. It was initially a members-only, men’s club promoting and preserving Norwegian cultural heritage. Soon after, Torskeklubben's goal was to lend aid to Norway after World War II.
The first Torskeklubben (Codfish Club) meeting in Edmonton was held at the Scandinavian Centre on Tuesday, February 3, 1970. Sig Sorenson brought back the idea from a trip to Minneapolis. Dr. Chester Ronning, a world-famous diplomat, was the first guest speaker; and Harvey Haugen-Boss was elected as the first Bas (or President) of the club.
From the beginning, the club was an excellent channel for socialization and networking. It formed a strong and supportive group, looking out for its members, whilst sharing unique talents, assets and resources with one another. The club afforded a sense of belonging and inclusion, while celebrating a culture that brings richness to the fabric of our Country. This all still stands true today.
Membership was initially set at 50 in 1970; but because of the long waiting list, it was later raised to 75. Members were also formerly required to be members of the Sons of Norway and help support their projects.
Torskeklubben meetings have always been held on the first Tuesday of the month (except July and August). They started as lunch meetings with suit and tie; but were later moved to the evening and now a more casual atmosphere.
Meetings always began with a social hour, a welcome speech by the Bas, then followed by a traditional meal, and a guest speaker. The menu has stayed the same over the years—flatbread, rye bread, pickled herring, codfish, boiled potatoes and carrots, melted butter, mustard sauce, and Linie aquavit. During the early years, the Sons of Norway Ladies Sewing Club prepared the meal.
An interesting guest speaker of the membership’s choice, has always been a highlight of every meeting since the club’s inception, be it “Blacksmithing in the Viking Age”, “Beekeeping”, or “The Story of ABBA”.
The Scandinavian Centre in Edmonton was home to Torskeklubben of Edmonton for many years. Unfortunately in 1981, the Centre was sold and Torskeklubben was forced to find a new home. Over the years, meetings have been held in various place across the City: the Ottewell Community Centre, Banquet House, Club 386, Edmonton Inn, Jasper Place Legion, Old Timer’s Cabin, Saxony Hotel, The Mill (Gasthaus), and The Petroleum Club. When the Petroleum Club closed in 2014, the club moved to the Chateau Nova on Yellowhead.
It has always been the longstanding mission of Torskeklubben to support, assist and promote education in Scandinavian languages and culture. In 1979, it was a unanimous decision of the Club to incorporate under the Societies Act of the Province of Alberta. Among the advantages of incorporation, is the fact that cultural grants for the continuation of the Language Arts and Culture Camps would be easier to secure. The club’s community involvement continued to grow, as charitable gaming proceeds from managing biennial casino events recurrent investment back into valuable Edmonton organizations.
In 2018, the Edmonton Torskeklubben evolved with the times to include MEN AND WOMEN of ALL BACKGROUNDS, who enjoy fellowship and learning about Scandinavian culture.
1970 - Harv Haugen
1971 - Inge Anderson
1972 - Sig Sorenson
1973-74 - Anders Anderson
1975 - Doug Peterson
1976 - Ross Fowler (w/Kris Nyhus, Wally Broen and Victor Lillo)
1977 - Wally Broen
1978 - Ellsworth Halberg
1979-80 - Ken Domier
1981 - Sev Berge
1982-83 - Kaare Askildt
1984 - Gary Johnson
1985-86 - Kåre Hellum
1987-88 - Roald Enokson
1989-90 - Gene Bolstad
1991-92 - Kris Nyhus
1993-94 - Al Berg
1995-96 - Dale Johnson
1997-98 - John Evjen
1999-2000 - Glen Finstad
2001-02 - Lee Bjorgum
2003-04 - Harald Westberg
2005-06 - Peter Juliebø
2007-08 - Roger Bruce
2009-10 - Arnie Lund
2011-12 - Chad Gjertsen
2013-15 - Colin Anderson
2016-17 - Stephen Schless
2018-19 - John Kristensen
2020- Kaare Boraas
1995 - Gary Johnson
1996 - Ken Domier
1997 - Al Letendre
1998 - Sev Berge
1999 - Al Berg
2000 - Bernie Olafson
2001 - Glen Finstad
2002 - John Evjen
2003 - Bob Ardiel
2004 - Dale Johnson
2005 - Lee Bjorgum
2006 - Ellsworth Halberg
2007 - Verner Steinbru
2008 - Lou Broten
2009 - Roger Bruce
2010 - Peter Juliebo
2011 - Harald Westberg
2012 - Christopher Hale
2013 - Kris Nyhus
2014 - Arnie Lund
2015 - Chad Gjertsen
2016 - Doug Peterson
2017 - Colin Anderson
2018 - Roald Enokson
2019 - John Kristensen